[OS X TeX] non-breaking space in TexShop

Maciej Pudelko maciex78 at o2.pl
Thu Aug 26 04:54:13 EDT 2010


The text I'm currently working on is being written in polish. In  
polish language one always has to use the non-breaking spaces (typing  
~) after each single character (a, z, u, w) which is followed by any  
word. I'm using TeXShop as a front-end software to my TeX Live 2007  
distribution. Is there any way to tell TeXShop to introduce a tilde  
automatically (e g by hitting the SPACE key + something combination)  
after every single character instead of typing it manually ? I've  
tried to look for this feature in TexShop preferences but I could not  
find anything. If not is there any other front-end software for TeX  
which has this feature ?
I'd appreciate any help as I'm not an experienced TeX user.

Maciej Pudelko

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