[OS X TeX] Latexian 1.0 Released

Raj Doshi admin at tacosw.com
Wed Dec 8 13:49:22 EST 2010

I wanted to let everyone on the list know that Latexian 1.0 was officially released today. Latexian is an editor for LaTeX and XeTeX documents on Mac OS X. Its signature feature is Live Preview, which updates as you edit to show you how your document will typeset. Here's a few other features that may interest you:

- Projects: Select a folder to open it as a project in Latexian. You can easily switch between files, view images, and perform file operations all without leaving Latexian.

- Navigator: A listing of chapters, sections, and file includes in your document for quick navigation.

- Code Folding: Easily collapse text segments, including disclosure triangles to fold chapters, sections, etc.

- Error Tokens: Errors from the typesetter appear as tokens right next to the line of text where the error occurred.

- Code Completion, Smart Spell Checking, Tabbed Documents, Code Clips, Batch Find, BibTeX support, much more...

Latexian costs $24.95 USD, and a 30-day free trial is available for download from Taco Software's website:

Raj Doshi
Taco Software

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