[OS X TeX] personal package : following 2

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Dec 23 06:41:21 EST 2010

Am 23.12.2010 um 12:15 schrieb Karine Fourlon:

> My tree in the Home Library is :
> Library / Tex / Tex live utility - Excalibur-LuaTex and XeTex Etc.  
> Not the usual stuff I used to have on PC
> another is : Library / texlive / 2010 / texmf-var and more folders  
> leading to nothing.
> The "normal " folders are on the HD, there I have Tex / Local /  
> tex / latex / local. I also put my .cls and .sty files there.

Your descriptions are really hard to follow, with so many capital and  
small and empty (SPACE) letters. As a work-around I know off you can  
drag directories (folders) and also files from Finder into Terminal  
and then copy the "materialised" path(s) from Terminal and paste them  
into Mail.

> If I understand well, the files are not in the right library. Do I  
> have to reinstall maxTex to get it properly ?

Probably not. It's certainly not a problem of files added by MacTeX  
into /private/etc/paths.d and /private/etc/manpaths.d. (You can check  
what there exists with 'ls -l /private/etc/paths.d /private/etc/ 


	kpsexpand '$TEXMFHOME'

and it will show the path to the root (beginning) of your private tree  
of additions to the TeX distribution installed. Then write on the  
command line

	mkdir -p

(notice the final SPACE character!), copy the output from the command,  
and paste it after the text you have written. Finally press RETURN.  
Now your own private $TEXMFHOME should exist. If you want you can  
install a structure of sub-directories (folders) inside this directory  
and put your files into them. But you can also put a lot just on a  
heap (I think BibTeX related files need a structure).



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always worked for me.
				– Hunter S. Thompson

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