[OS X TeX] Syncing in one direction only
Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca
Thu Dec 23 22:12:26 EST 2010
Hi Alain,
On 2010-16Dec-, at 9:15 PM, Alain Schremmer wrote:
> <<snip>>
> You may wish to consider the following alternative:
> First, I have two folders: Contents and Controls
> ---In the Contents folder I have files named 0.tex, (that's for the Preface),1.tex, 2.tex etc each of which starts as follows:
> %!TEX root = ../Controls/\jobname.tex
> \chapter{My Chapter One}
> Some text
> ---In the Controls folder, I have files also named 0.tex, 1.tex, 2.tex etc each of which is just a copy of:
> \documentclass[11pt]{book}
> \usepackage{xxx}
> \begin{document}
> \addtocounter{page}{0}%Must be adjusted manually from the WholeBook
> \addtocounter{chapter}{\jobbame-1}%This, though, is automatic
> \include{../Contents/\jobname}
> \end{document}
> Thus, I can typeset a chapter either from the Content file or from the Control file.
> ---Thirdly, I have a folder WholeBook which contains the file MyBook which is the usual root file:
> \documentclass[11pt]{book}
> \usepackage{xxx}
> \usepackage{yyy}
> \begin{document}
> \frontmatter
> \include{../Contents/1}
> \include{../Contents/2}
> etc
> \end{document}
> which will of course typeset the whole book.
> In fact, for the sake of symmetry, I am now using the following variation on the above theme
> I have only the two folders: Contents and Controls (No WholeBook) in which I have the same files as above but also, in addition:
> ---In the Contents folder:
> The file ALL.tex:
> %!TEX root = ../Controls/\jobname.tex
> \include{../Contents/0}%Preface to be numbered along with the contents, etc
> \mainmatter
> \include{../Contents/1}
> \include{../Contents/2}
> etc
> ---In the Controls folder
> The file ALL.tex:
> \documentclass[11pt]{book}
> \usepackage{xxx}
> \usepackage{yyy}
> \begin{document}
> \frontmatter
> \input{../Contents/ALL}
> \backmatter
> \include{../Text-contents/99}%That's the GNU FDL
> \printindex
> \end{document}
> And, again, I can typeset the whole book from either the Contents or the Control file.
Indeed, I have so considered, but need more time to experiment a bit with an explicit example. There are a couple of points that are unclear (to me), but I'll see what happens with an example.
Thanks very much for your outline.
Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca
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