[OS X TeX] Re: removal of unneeded languages

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Jan 6 06:05:37 EST 2010

Download the TL2009 iso image, mount the iso image and in the Terminal cd to the iso image. Then issue the command

sudo ./install-tl

and follow the few instructions.

After the installation use Local Switcher to set the symlink ~/texprograms and ~/texmanpages.

I also have a .profile file in my home directory which looks like

#  .profile for sh(1)

export PATH

export PATH

Then install maxtex-additions. Before the installation I usually disable the postflight scripts, or at least the parts of the scripts that want to mess around with my System Preferences.

You can download TS and BibDesk separately, though I believe you already have the latest versions or at least versions that can be easily updated.


On Jan 6, 2010, at 11:37, Patrick Wambacq wrote:

> Thank you for all your comments.
> If I want to install TL09 using install-tl:
> - do I need to download install-tl-unx.tar.gz and install live over the
>  internet?
> - or can I reuse the already downloaded MacTeX distribution?
> - what about the extras such as TeXShop etc? I assume that these cannot
>  be installed with install-tl? Do I need to download mactex-additions.mpkg.zip
>  or can the MacTeX distribution reused?
> Patrick
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