[OS X TeX] Several page layouts in the same document
Alain Matthes
alain.matthes at mac.com
Wed Jun 9 07:11:16 EDT 2010
Le 9 juin 2010 à 09:03, Ewan Delanoy a écrit :
> Thanks Alan and Alain ... your solution almost works,
> although for some reason the new geometry package
> behaves slightly differently from the old one : with
> the old one I got an exact paving of the page, with
> the new one the paving overlaps and is too far left.
> the natural fix to this would be to change the coordinates
> of the rectangle, e.g.
> \draw[xstep=1.75cm,ystep=2.47,gray!50] (a,b) grid (21,29.65);
> instead of
> \draw[xstep=1.75cm,ystep=2.47,gray!50] (0,0) grid (21,29.65);
> where a and b are ad hoc values.
> Not surprisingly, the paving's location in the page stays the same whatever
> values I put for a and b. Any ideas on how to fix this ?
This is normal. (0,0) or (a,b) are used inside the picture and not
with the coordinates of the page.
I have not your problem with the new geometry __ I work only with pdflatex
but perhaps you work with dvi-ps-pdf ?__
A better solution is to use the size of a4paper 21 cm and 29.7 cm.
I think you want 144 rectangles so (29.7/12=2.475)
\draw[xstep=\paperwidth/12,ystep=\paperheight/12,gray!50] (0,0) grid (\paperwidth,\paperheight);
you don't need [x=1cm,y=1cm] by default, you have x=1cm,y=1cm !
Another possibility is to avoid geometry and to use absolute position with tikz.
In this case, you need to compile twice !!
This solution is interesting because the picture is on the first page but
there is a BUT : I have a problem with "grid" .
I don't get the good result and I don't know why. The grid is misplaced.
I make a grid but with the use of current page nodes.
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[red] (current page.south west) -- (current page.north east);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,11}
{\draw[gray!50] ($(current page.south west) +(0,\x*\paperheight/12)$)%
-- ($(current page.south east) +(0,\x*\paperheight/12)$);
\draw[gray!50] ($(current page.south west) +(\x*\paperwidth/12,0)$)%
-- ($(current page.north west) +(\x*\paperwidth/12,0)$);
Best Regards
Alain Matthes
PS : I give you two other examples to see
how to make a picture with or without geometry.
%%%%%%%%%%% Annexe one %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\shade[top color=blue!50!black, bottom color=blue!50]%
(current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
\draw[red] (current page.south west) -- (current page.north east);
%%%%%%%%%% Annexe two %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\noindent\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\shade[top color=blue!50!black, bottom color=blue!50]%
(current page.north west) rectangle (current page.south east);
\draw[red] (current page.south west) -- (current page.north east);
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