[OS X TeX] asy (darwin)

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Jun 12 17:30:43 EDT 2010

Am 12.06.2010 um 22:51 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> As I said before, the last MacTeX-2010 pretest (and the one before  
> that too I believe) had 1.94 and that didn't have the signal fix. I  
> don't know why you still have 1.88.

Maybe I'm a bit conservative, or just working on different things (for  
example: creating hard links just like TimeMachine does when  
performing a backup to share files between stable/finished/dead TL  
releases to gain space for a few of them) so that binary updates are  
not that wishful. (Actually I think it wouldn't be that bad if TL  
would come with such a tool!)



Upgraded, adj.:
	Didn't work the first time.

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