[OS X TeX] Multiple fonts using otfinst

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Jun 21 09:55:20 EDT 2010

Am 21.06.2010 um 12:10 schrieb Theo Moore:

> My question is, suppose I wanted to have a different text for say,
> figure captions. How would I, midway through the document, redefine
> the font to use?

You have a lot of options with NFSS2 (New Font Selection Scheme).


switches from whatever to sans-serif.


sets Arial as standard sans-serif font.


just selects the given dimensions. The complete command of selecting a  
particular font at a particular size and shape is:


You can create your own short commands...


                 \__     O                       __O
                 | O\   _\\/\-%                _`\<,
                 '()-'-(_)--(_)               (_)/(_)

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