[OS X TeX] Does some package handle this character ? (right lower corner filled triangle)

Ewan Delanoy ewan.delanoy at gmx.fr
Thu Jun 24 05:48:21 EDT 2010

 Hello all,

 after browsing through Scott Pakin's "comprehensive LaTeX symbol list",
it seems that the (right lower corner filled triangle) is not acessible directly
as a character in LaTeX. I would love to be proved wrong, of course ...

 Below is some TikZ code giving an idea of what this character should look like.


 \draw (1,4) node [right,text width=8cm] {The character looks like this :};
 \filldraw (5.8,3.8) -- ++(0.3,0) -- ++(0,0.3) -- cycle; 
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