[OS X TeX] Scaling figures in (pdf)latex produced with gnuplot, etc.

Jimi Alphapower at gmx.de
Mon Mar 1 14:52:31 EST 2010

Thanks for the tips.

At the first view combinedgraphics seems to be exactly what I was  
searching. However, the option "vecscale" scales the figure but  
changes also the line thickness. So this is probably not a good  

The solution with pgf/tikz was new to me. It is really interesting and  
seems to be suitable for my problem. However, I could not find a good  
way to adjust the size of the figure, except with the option  
"scale=...". I think it did not change the line thickness, which is  
much better than combinedgraphics. But still one cannot define the  
exact size with e.g. width=0.49\columnwidth.

But the graphics are really nice. They look even much better than  
Illustrator graphs.

@ Pete
This is exactly what I currently do. But it takes some time and I  
don't want to waste a student researcher on this boring work.


Am 01.03.2010 um 01:11 schrieb Hans-Georg:

> Am 28.02.2010 um 23:01 schrieb Jimi <Alphapower at gmx.de>
>> I produce most of my figures with Gnuplot. Generally I use the same  
>> figures several times (e.g. in journals, proceedings, posters,  
>> presentations, ...). But there is a problem. If I include the  
>> figure with \includegraphics[width=...]{figname}, both the graph  
>> and the text is scaled.
>> I have seen that Gnuplot offers the possibility to generate e.g. tex 
>> +eps files. In this case, (pdf)latex scales the font in the figure  
>> according to the font size of the text. To include the "figure", I  
>> use
>> \begin{figure}[htb]
>> \input{figure}
>> \end{figure}
>> which works fine. However, I generally need to scale the graph  
>> (e.g. 1.0\textwidth, 1.0\columnwidth, ...). If I use the commands  
>> \resizebox{1.0\textwidth}{!}{\input{figure}} or
>> \scalebox{1.0\textwidth}{!}{\input{figure}}, also the text will be  
>> scaled and the advantage of using the Gnuplot terminal epslatex is  
>> lost.
>> Is there a way to include these files (eps+tex) and to scale the  
>> figure individually?
> Jimi,
> You might test the combinedgraphics package, which is included in  
> TeX Live 2009:
> file:///usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/doc/latex/combinedgraphics/combinedgraphics.pdf
> or
> http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/combinedgraphics
> This package provides a macro (\includecombinedgraphics) for the  
> inclusion of combined EPS/LATEX and PDF/LATEX graphics (an export  
> for-mat of Gnuplot, Xfig, and maybe other programs). Instead of  
> including the graphics with a simple \input, the  
> \includecombinedgraphics macro has some benefits:
> • changing the font and color of the text of the LATEX parts
> • rescaling the graphics without affecting the font of the LATEX parts
> • automatic inclusion of the vector graphics parts, as far as LATEX  
> parts do not do it (e.g., for files exported from Gnuplot before  
> version 4.2 or Xfig)
> • rescalingandrotatingofcompletegraphics(similarto\includegraphics  
> from graphicx package)
> This package is quite new and comes with an alpha warning (This is  
> alpha software and may contain serious bugs! Use with caution and on  
> your own risk! Check output! But you have the alphapower.)
> Hans-Georg

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