[OS X TeX] list of abreviatures in alfabetical order
Sr Sur
igaoss at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 05:49:28 EST 2010
Ok, Luis!!
Thanks, I'll try it!!.
On 12 March 2010 10:48, Luis Sequeira <lfsequeira at gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi everybody!!,
> >
> > I must to do a list of abreviatures ({description}) and I looked for a
> way
> > to automatically order the list alphabetically... I didn´t find
> anything..
> > Is there any way to order a list of items?? or.. Is there any package to
> > perform this kind of lists (abreviatures, list of chemical
> reactives...)??
> >
> It is very easy to sort anything alphabetically, at least in Snow Leopard.
> Here is what I do in my mac to sort lines:
> 1- select the lines I wish to sort (in TeXShop, Mail, or whatever)
> 2- press a keyboard shortcut
> 3- there is no step 3
> The way to achieve this magic is to use, or create, a very simple Service,
> using Automator.
> You may create something like this (a quick hack, but good enough; it seems
> to add a blank line before the sorted lines, but that is not a huge deal):
> Open Automator
> Choose to create a Service
> In the upper right, set it to "Receive text" in "any application"
> Mark the checkbox that says "replace text"
> Add a single action of kind "Run Shell Script" (it is within the
> group "Utilities")
> In the content part, just write the following (without the quotes):
> "sort"
> Save it and give a reasonable name (say, sort)
> (optionally) in System Preferences->Services, give it a keyboard
> shortcut
> Now, you can sort as I do :-)
> Luis Sequeira
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Atte: Sr. Sur
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