[OS X TeX] General Font Question

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Sat Mar 13 19:01:21 EST 2010

On 13 Mar 2010, at 23:39, Gerrit Glabbart wrote:

> 2010/3/13 David Derbes <loki at uchicago.edu>
> Yep. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the appropriate engine. Incidentally, this isn't my problem, but belongs to another poster named Manuel. Eventually I got it to work, but only at the command line. See a later posting by me. 
> I read that posting, and I'm aware that it's Manuel who has his heart set on this particular font. The thing is, though, that I copied your minimal example into a new TeXShop document and it ran without a hitch. No command line or new engine necessary, and as Jonathan Kew pointed out, it is because XeTeX's default output driver does not support the old-timey, classic Mac PostScript fonts that the convoluted command line is needed. The TrueType version, though in this case just as old-timey, should just work. And does, on my system. So what are we, and Manuel, doing differently?

Perhaps Manuel still had the old (LWFN) Type 1 fonts installed as well as the Truetype. That's a recipe for confusion, and could explain why he still got the same error from the output driver: it just asks the OS for the font (by name), but if you have multiple fonts with the same name installed, there's no guarantee what you'll get.


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