[OS X TeX] Re: ChkTeX Engine for TeXShop

Ramón Figueroa-Centeno ramonf at hawaii.edu
Mon May 24 16:24:10 EDT 2010

Aloha Ralph,

Maybe it is an encoding issue. I saved my copy of the engine in Unicode
(utf-8) with Unix line endings.

Now, I tweaked the engine even further (I am attaching it this time: 
http://n2.nabble.com/file/n5095628/ChkTeX.engine ChkTeX.engine  and
including the code below). Now, it prints more informative messages.

Also, it seems that TeXShop only parses the first 20 errors when using "Goto
Error" (after the 20th it cycles back to the first one).



------------------code below this line-------------------

name=$(basename "$1" .tex)


/usr/local/bin/chktex -f "$n%m$n%r%s%t$n%u$n./%f:%l:ChkTeX %k %n${n}l.%l
%r$n?$n"  "$1"

# Use this if you want less information
#/usr/local/bin/chktex -f "./%f:%l:%m (ChkTeX %k %n)${n}l.%l %r$n?$n"  "$1"

console="tell application \"TeXShop\" to set the index of (the window named
\"$name console\") to 1"
/usr/bin/osascript  -e "$console" 

View this message in context: http://macosx-tex.576846.n2.nabble.com/ChkTeX-Engine-for-TeXShop-tp5092823p5095628.html
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