[OS X TeX] Too many Underfull \hbox warnings?

Don Green Dragon fergdc at shaw.ca
Fri Oct 22 02:34:04 EDT 2010

Hi Michael,

I'll not reply to your previous message, since the one below covers all the bases.

On 2010-1610-, at 8:38 PM, Michael Welsh wrote:

> Actually, it's a little more complex than that (I think). You need to keep the different theorem styles in different blocks. Here's my header, as an example:
> \theoremstyle{plain}
> \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section]
> \newtheorem{lemma}[thm]{Lemma}
> \newtheorem{result}[thm]{Result}
> \newtheorem{cor}[thm]{Corollary}
> \newtheorem{prop}[thm]{Proposition}
> \newtheorem{lies}[thm]{LIES!!!!!!!}
> \newtheorem{conj}[thm]{Conjecture}
> \newtheorem{sub}{Sublemma}[thm]
> \theoremstyle{definition}
> \newtheorem{dfn}[thm]{Definition}
> \newtheorem{ex}{Example}
> \newtheorem{yom}{yomcat Note}

Thank you for the above. I'll have to spend some time and study the material on \theoremstyle which I've not used before.

I have a whole bunch of additional \newtheorem lines which I did not include,  very much like what you have listed above, but no \theoremstyle lines.

> On 17/10/2010, at 3:33 PM, Michael Welsh wrote:
>> If you replace this line with the two lines:
>> \theoremstyle{definition}
>> \newtheorem{defn}{Definition}[chapter]
>> it will remove the annoying italic font, and allow you to use the defn environment correctly.

That reads like a much better solution compared to what I've been doing.  :-)

Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca

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