[OS X TeX] Using TeXShop as a markdown editor

Axel Kielhorn tex at axelkielhorn.de
Fri Aug 5 14:53:54 EDT 2011


I have been experimenting with pandoc recently.

pandoc takes an input file (usually markdown) and writes an output file (latex, epub, ...)
There is a shortcut to create pdf from markdown via latex called markdown2pdf.

I wrote an engine file to call markdown2pdf and open the resulting pdf in TeXShop:


set path= ($path /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin $HOME/.cabal/bin)
markdown2pdf "$1"

The only problem is that TeXShop does not accept .md as something it can run an engine on.

Of course I can use the .tex extension, but this will not work when I use the long way:
md -> tex -> pdf.

From the engine folder I see that this is possible with asymptote and lilypond.
Is there a way to support markdown as well?


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