[OS X TeX] Shortcut for 'Replace and Find again' in TeXshop ?

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Feb 14 20:29:39 EST 2011

On Feb 12, 2011, at 5:12 AM, Eric van der Oord wrote:

> Hi all ,
> I have to handle thousands  on pages of bad formated TeX documents, and need an efficient "Search and replace".
> In a precedent thread,  I've complained about the fact that clicking in the ogrekit window of TexShop de-activates the window of the text handled, and then the find results are "light gray" highlighted and hard to see.
> I was gently told to quit  the ogrekit window, and use  <Command>-G  for "search again" in the window of the text handled.
> Well, is there some shortcut for "Replace and Find again" ? I don't find it in the help file...
> Thanks for any help
> Eric


Opt-Cmd-G is Replace then Find (See it in the Edit->Find sub-menu.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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