[OS X TeX] Lua?

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Wed Feb 16 12:00:38 EST 2011


MacTeX installs, in /Applications/TeX, a folder named LuaTeX--and-XeTeX.
This folder contains a document by Will Robertson called "Using OpenType fonts
in LuaLaTeX". The document comes with source, to be compiled in LuaLaTeX.
(At the top, a comment explains how to activate appropriate engines in TeXShop.)

The same folder contains a document, LuaTeX and XeTeX, (but named READ ME.pdf)
explaining the role of these two programs. It contains two XeTeX samples, XeTeX-1
and XeTeX-2, with source, and a document, context-hagen.tex showing the use
of ConTeXt with Lua.

Also consult ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive for TeXShop engines for
these various typesetting options.

Note that Lua is under active development. The installed documents
contain information we could provide for casual users wishing to use the
programs, as of the moment we produced MacTeX.

Dick Koch

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