[OS X TeX] Bug in Preference Pane

Joshua Smith jhs0807 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 13:23:51 EDT 2011


On Jul 29, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Richard Koch wrote:

> Joshua,
> The instructions say that you need to change into .FactoryDefaults
> There also seem to be distributions in /Library/TeX/Distributions
> itself, but these are irrelevant, and eventually point to the
> distributions inside .FactoryDefaults.
> Dick Koch

Hum.  I have both TL 2010 and TL 2011, and I had gone between TL 2010  
and TL 2011, but ultimately chose TL 2011.  TeXShop complained about / 
usr/texbin/pdflatex being broken.  I had to go into .DefaultTeX to fix  
the problem using the method you described.  Now, /usr/texbin points  
to /Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Programs/texbin,  
which in turn points to i386.  TeXShop now works, but .FactoryDefaults  
is not involved.


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