[OS X TeX] New Laptop...

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Jun 24 11:05:30 EDT 2011

Am 24.06.2011 um 16:36 schrieb Ralph Martin:

> Indeed, very seriously, it may be a significantly better option to  
> keep your old laptop (as long as 64 bit Intel) and spend the money  
> on an SSD for it, than to buy a new laptop again with an HD.

The best option is to wait until a Mac or a disk hits the market that  
offers both: a fast storage device and an even faster device for  
temporary storage that does not wear out like an SSD. That's the  
problem with today's SSD: they only allow to change (overwrite) a disk  
block a few thousand times. One TeX run can produce half a dozen files  
and use up a few dozens of disk blocks.



We have to expect it, otherwise we would be surprised.

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