[OS X TeX] Adding to the TeXShop aux files deletion list

R. Vijay Krishna rvk at unc.edu
Mon Mar 7 15:23:58 EST 2011

On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Alan Munn wrote:


>> I had the same issue, and used the following commands.
>> defaults write TeXShop OtherTrashExtensions -array-add "bbl"
>> defaults write TeXShop OtherTrashExtensions -array-add "run"
> Are you sure that this actually deletes the .run.xml files?  My testing seems to show that it doesn't.

Yes, I just tested it again, and all I have left are a tex and a pdf file, which is most agreeable.  (Of course, re-running pdflatexmk generates all those files again.)  I must admit that I'm not sure if this is because I chose the AggressiveTrashAux option too, and I didn't bother to pinpoint exactly which line worked for me.  


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