[OS X TeX] Minipages and altering \mathindent
Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca
Wed Apr 4 23:37:53 EDT 2012
Hi All,
In an attempt to place three minipages on a single line, I was thwarted by the large indent that the environment
\begin{align*} ... \end{align*}
imposes. So I applied the command
(A) \setlength{\mathindent}{0pt}
and subsequently matters worked out nicely. However, I did not want to maintain the setting (A) since that could interfere with who know what, so I commented (A) out and issued
(B) \the\mathindent
and the reply from (B) was
(C) 39.37506pt minus 39.37506pt
Therefore, after the minipage code I reset with
(D) \setlength{\mathindent}{39.37506pt}
However, upon reissuing the command in (B) the response was
(E) 39.37506pt
which differs from response (C). Is the difference significant? I don't really understand reply (C).
Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca
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