[OS X TeX] unlocking a source file in TeXShop

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Feb 10 16:01:19 EST 2012

On Feb 10, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. wrote:

> Curiouser and Curiouser:  the window which opens when I open the source file using sync (i.e., command-click text in the pdf) from within TeXShop is headed <filename>-Locked, and is blank.  I can't get info on it from within TeXShop.  When I click on "locked" I get a pulldown which invites me to unlock (which gets prevented, as described earlier) or to duplicate.  If I duplicate, I get a second window, called <filename>copy, which is also blank.  Can't get info on it, either.  But if I go to Finder and go to the source file
> where it lives (on dropbox, which might be the problem), then I can get information, and I can open it as a window which contains text, and which I CAN unlock.
> So what is going on here?  Looks to me like a sync problem or a TeXShop 3.06 glitch.
> Ziggy Nitecki
> Zbigniew Nitecki
> Department of Mathematics
> Tufts University
> Medford, MA 02155
> telephones:
> my office     (617) 627-3843
> dept. off.    (617) 627-3234
> dept. fax    (617) 627-3966
> On Feb 10, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Feb 10, 2012, at 11:44 AM, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. wrote:
> According to the "New Features" item on the Texhsop/Lion web site, a file which has been locked can be unlocked by clicking on the word "locked" at the top of the file window.  But when I did this just now on a file, I got a box saying that this file cannot be unlocked, but I can duplicate it and edit that.  If I do so, will that automatically become a replacement for the old one?---this file is one of many in a book project, all relating to a different project root.  Or is there a way to unlock even when I get that error message?
> I am running 3.06 on a new iMac.
> Zbigniew Nitecki
> Howdy,
> Hmmm... I haven't gotten that when opening old files; have always seen the Unlock choice. I'd do a Get Info… on those files and see if you have them locked there and if the ownership and permissions are set correctly for those files.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)


I this a distributed document; i.e., one that has a root document that \includes or \inputs the other parts? If so, do each of the \included files have a line at the top,

% !TEX root = path/to/root.tex

that tells TeXShop how to compile the file and also how to sync between the pdf and the proper source file? Note: path/to/root.tex is the absolute or relative path to the root file.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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