[OS X TeX] Multiple Nomenclature sections and Memoir?

Claus Gerhardt claus.gerhardt at uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Feb 21 06:24:50 EST 2012

A similar question has been asked and answered two years ago, see the copy below. The Applescript referred to in the answer is now part of Flashmode-Scripts. Please google for it.



I am using David Jones package Index for years and are very satisfied, however, I only need it to produce two indexes. For the task, Alain has in mind, the package multind seems to be more suited, at least I once tested it successfully with 11 indexes.

For each chapter or chapters a special index command has to be defined that's all. The print command can be placed anywhere.

Some years ago I wrote an Applescript to produce any number of indexes with the click of a button which is part of the Applescript library in Flashmode. Below is short description.


- Applescript
-- multiple_indexes
-- Apply only to an already saved file.
-- Claus Gerhardt, Dec. 2007

(* The underlying package is multind.sty. It redefines \makeindex, \index, and \printindex such that multiple indexes can be defined

\makeindex{indexname}--repeat for multiple indexes

For the present script the indexes are assumed to be named as filename-i.idx for 0≤i≤k, where the source is filename.tex. The index with i=0 is supposed to be a list of symbols which uses a special style file; that index need not be present.

At the moment the highest number is k=10. You can increase k in the script.

The script also requires two shell scripts which are part of Flashmode.

On Feb 21, 2012, at 7:44, Tim Lahey wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been using memoir for my thesis and it's been working great up
> until I've tried to do multiple nomenclature sections. I found
> glossaries.sty, but I've run into a number of errors when using it
> with memoir. First, it has \printglossary which conflicts with
> memoir's version. I managed to work around that by relaxing the
> definition right before the glossaries package inclusion. However, if
> I do that, no glossary shows up where I put \printglossary. Plus, the
> documentation says to use the option nomain for no main glossary (my
> case), but if I add the option, I get an error that no such option
> exists.
> Is there another choice for doing multiple nomenclature sections
> (basically on a per chapter basis)? It doesn't seem like nomencl
> supports multiple sections. At the moment, it looks like making a
> list/table would be best.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tim.
> -- 
> Tim Lahey
> PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
> University of Waterloo
> http://about.me/tjlahey
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