[OS X TeX] Can TeX help out here? Merging PDF with various page sizes and keeping it vector.

Gerben Wierda gerben.wierda at rna.nl
Sat Jan 14 18:53:38 EST 2012

pdfpages won't do the trick. The reason is that the resulting pages in my document should not have a paper size equivalent to the included PDFs (which have any random size, e.g. may be 2 by 4 inch), but it should be possible to set each page to some sensible size (restricted to A4 portrait and A3 landscape in my situation)

I ended up using ConTeXt:







On 14 Jan 2012, at 20:43, Jens Nöckel wrote:

> On Jan 14, 2012, at 7:30 AM, Juan Luis Varona wrote:
>> Try the package pdfpages to joint pdf file (with pdflatex):
>> \documentclass[11pt]{article}
>> \usepackage{pdfpages}
>> \title{Brief Article}
>> \author{The Author}
>> \begin{document}
>> \maketitle
>> Hello
>> %\newpage
>> \includepdf[fitpaper=true]{a-pdf-with-different-size.pdf}
>> %\newpage
>> Hello
>> \end{document}  
>> ---
>> Yours,
>> Juan Luis
> Hi,
> as an extension of this, the script below should do the trick. If there are problems with line breaks in the pasted code, you may want to copy it from my web page instead:
> http://pages.uoregon.edu/noeckel/computernotes/latex/n-up.html
> After saving this in a file, e.g., "~/bin/pdfnup2" and making it executable by typing "chmod 700 ~/bin/pdfnup2" you can get the concatenation of files with their dimensions intact by typing "~/bin/pdfnup -o outputfile.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf" 
> where outputfile.pdf is the desired output name, and file1 etc are an arbitrary number of input files with arbitrary dimensions. 
> Hope this helps,
> Jens
> #!/bin/tcsh
> #
> #   Save this file under any name (e.g., pdfnup2) and make it executable in your PATH.
> #   Usage instructions are displayed when invoking the command without arguments.
> #
> #   Created Oct 11, 2007 by J.U.Noeckel (originally called pdfbgcolor, only used to change background color)
> #   Modified March 30, 2009 by J.U.Noeckel (added n-up functionality because no such tool seemed to exist for Leopard)
> alias printHelp 'printf "Usage: "`basename $0`" [-o outputfile] [-c HTML-color] [-n ROWSxCOLUMNS] [-d DELTA_XxDELTA_Y] filename(s)\n\n";\\
>     printf  "outputfile:\n"; \\
>     printf  "name of the output PDF file (default: converted.pdf)\n"; \\
>     printf  "HTML-color:\n"; \\
>     printf  "hexadecimal RGB number in capitals, RRGGBB\n"; \\
>     printf  "The background of the file filename is changed to color HTML-color\n"; \\
>     printf  "Default color: white\n\n";\\
>     printf  "ROWSxCOLUMNS:\n"; \\
>     printf  "two integers separated by x specifying the number of rows and columns to\nprint per physical page (e.g., 2x2)\n\n"; \\
>     printf  "DELTA_XxDELTA_Y:\n"; \\
>     printf  "two floats separated by x sepcifying the offset in points between rows and\ncolumns (may be negative)\n\n"; \\
>     printf  "Output PDF is written to filename-converted.pdf\n"'
> alias cleanup 'rm -Rf $TMPNAME*'
> if ("$#" == 0) then
>    echo "**** Input file name required"
>    printHelp
>    exit 1
> endif
> set TMPNAME = `mktemp -dt pdfnup`
> echo $TMPNAME
> # Default background color is white:
> set COLOR = "FFFFFF"
> set NUP = ","
> set DELTA = ""
> set OUTFILE = ~/Desktop/converted.pdf 
> # Define the permissible command-line options:
> set ARGS = `getopt hd:n:c:o: $*`
> # Arguments preceding the special "--" are command-line options:
> while ("$ARGS[1]" != "--") 
>   switch ("$ARGS[1]")
> #    Check if a color option is given:
>      case "-c": 
>              set COLOR = $ARGS[2]
>              shift ARGS
>              breaksw
> #    Output file name:
>      case "-o": 
>              set OUTFILE = "$ARGS[2]"
>              shift ARGS
>              breaksw
> #    Check if an n-up option is given:
>      case "-n": 
>              set NUP = ",nup="$ARGS[2]
>              shift ARGS
>              breaksw
> #    Check if an offset option is given:
>      case "-d": 
>              set DELTA = ",delta="$ARGS[2]:s/x/ /
>              shift ARGS
>              breaksw
>      default:
>              printHelp
>              exit 0
>              breaksw
>   endsw
>   shift ARGS
> end
> if (-f $OUTFILE) then
>     echo -n "Output file "$OUTFILE" exists. Overwrite ? [yes/no]"
>     set overwrite = "$<"
>     if ( $overwrite != "yes" ) then
>         echo "NOT OVERWRITING"
>         cleanup
>         exit 1
>     endif
> endif
> echo '\documentclass{minimal}\usepackage{xcolor}\pagecolor[HTML]{'$COLOR'}\usepackage{pdfpages}\begin{document}' > $TMPNAME/converted.tex
> shift ARGS
> foreach i (`echo "$ARGS"`)
>     if (-f $i) then
>         @ FILECOUNTER++
>         cp "$i" "$TMPNAME"/$FILECOUNTER.pdf
>     else
>         echo  "**** Invalid filename ""$i"
>         printHelp
>         cleanup
>         exit 1
>     endif
>     echo '\includepdf[fitpaper,pages=-'$NUP$DELTA',frame=false]{'$FILECOUNTER.pdf'}' >> $TMPNAME/converted.tex
> end
> echo '\end{document}' >> $TMPNAME/converted.tex
> pushd $TMPNAME
> pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode converted.tex
> # Return to original working directory:
> popd
> if ( -f $TMPNAME/converted.pdf) then
>     mv $TMPNAME/converted.pdf $OUTFILE 
>     echo "Output written to "$OUTFILE
> else
>     echo "**** Couldn't convert"
> endif
> cleanup
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