[OS X TeX] path names with umlauts
Axel Kielhorn
tex at axelkielhorn.de
Tue Mar 20 14:58:44 EDT 2012
Am 20.03.2012 um 19:16 schrieb Ross Moore:
> Hi Herb, and Axel,
> \usepackage{pdfpages}
> now \includepdf let's you import all the pages in an external PDF document,
> essentially running \includegraphics , with specifiable options, on each page.
With this information both
\includepdf{Müller Günther/test.pdf}
are working for me.
Note that I don't use a comma and that these are relative file names.
Using a comma does not work.
We all know about the "problems" with absolute file names and how to circumvent them, right?
Did I mention that I use XeLaTeX and UTF-8 encoding?
No, I didn't.
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