[OS X TeX] Another math font for MinionPro

Michael Sharpe msharpe at ucsd.edu
Wed May 9 00:51:00 EDT 2012

Linux Libertine, a free font collection included in TeXLive, is billed as a replacement for Times, but its parentage is obviously much closer to MinionPro. For example, its roman version has the essentially the same xheight and capheight as MinionPro roman, and, though details differ in a number of respects, most letters are hard to distinguish, especially in MinionPro Medium, whose glyphs have essentially the sam stroke weights as Libertine regular. In italic, the slope is the same (considerably less than that of Times) and there is the same overall look. That brings up an interesting possibility. While MinionPro has more glyphs and more weights (if you pay enough), Libertine may serve as an excellent stand-in for MinionPro. There's a new version of the old txfonts I just uploaded to CTAN, and also to 


under the name ntxTDS.zip. That gives you, among other things, a math font package ntxmath.sty which, when called with the option


provides a math package well-matched to libertine, using libertine's math italic and Greek letters, properly metrized for math usage. So, you can do one of the following:

LaTeX mode: (assumes you have used otfinst to create a package minion in T1 encoding from your MinionPro otf fonts:

% Minion + libertine ntxmath
\usepackage{libertine}% for math operators and numbers
\usepackage[scaled=.85]{beramono}% must set a typewriter font for math
\usepackage[TS1,T1]{fontenc}% and an encoding
\usepackage[libertine]{ntxmath}% new version of tx
\renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{pmnj} % use old-style figures in MinionPro text

XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX modes: (use the otf fonts directly)

% Minion + libertine ntxmath
\usepackage{libertine}% for math operators and numbers
\usepackage[scaled=.85]{beramono}% must set a typewriter font for math
\usepackage[TS1,T1]{fontenc}% and an encoding
\usepackage[libertine]{ntxmath}% new version of tx
\setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Minion Pro}
% <your other fontspec settings>

Each of these avoids the problem MnSymbol has with math italic v looking exactly line Greek nu, as the math italic v in ntxmath with option libertine is quite different from nu. The ntxmath package also has a scaled option, unlike MnSymbol.

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