[OS X TeX] command-click on the name of a console file

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 22:42:52 EST 2012

Am 14.11.2012 um 18:18 schrieb Alain Schremmer:

>> Normally, when I command-click on the name of a file, I see the  
>> complete path.
> Which Finder plug-in are you using?

Am I?

>> But, when I command-click on the name of a console file, nothing  
>> happens.
> What is a "console file"? This file type does not seem to be  
> documented…

On Nov 14, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> On Nov 14, 2012, at 11:18 AM, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> Normally, when I command-click on the name of a file, I see the  
>> complete path. Which is very nice as many of my files have the same  
>> name, like 13. But, when I command-click on the name of a console  
>> file, nothing happens. It is of course not a show-stopper but just  
>> a bit of an occasional bother.
>> Just thought I might mention it for someone to explain to me that I  
>> should understand that a console file is not just like any other  
>> file and that ...
>> Best regards
>> --schremmer
> Howdy,
> I assume you are talking about the Console window while you are  
> compiling a document. Notice I didn't say file! The Console window  
> is like a Terminal window and you can see the input and output of  
> the various things that go one when you compile a file.

Ok, now I KNOW that "a console file is not just like any other file  
and that ..." it is not even a file.

The "bit of occasional bother" remains though because I occasionally  
work with several documents to keep them in line. e.g.

RBAv4-1 > CheckableItems > 13
RBAv4-1 > Homeworks > 13
RBAv4-1 > WorkOuts > 13
RBAv4-1 > Quizzes > 13
RBAv4-1 > Text > 13

where 13 is the chapter number.

Best regards

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