[OS X TeX] Adapting a large (MiKTeX) document to MacTeX

Franck Pastor franck.pastor at skynet.be
Mon Apr 8 17:17:03 EDT 2013

Le 8 avr. 2013 à 23:12, Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE> a écrit :

> Am 08.04.2013 um 21:26 schrieb Christoph Hoh:
>> Generating a PDF file consisted of writing the .tex file, converting to a .dvi and .ps file.  This PostScript (.ps) file was then converted to PDF using Ghostscript (if I remember well).
> I'd use a short cut: pdflatex, and you get PDF directly. Although there might be problems with the EPS files: they can't be included into the PDF file directly. But Heiko Oberdiek wrote the epstopdf package which can convert EPS files to PDF. So: use it! But you have to remove all those [dvips] options. And I mean: remove. Nothing needs to be set instead. LaTeX packages of today automatically determine which engine (tex, pdfTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX) is going to use it.
> KOMAscript has evolved a lot. The psfrag package might be obsolete with pdfTeX. You could use the microtype package (will change the length of your document). Instead CM you could use LM, the Latin Modern fonts (\usepackage{lm}).

Does it work with that name "lm"? I've always used


Anywya, it should replace the obsolete line:


Franck Pastor

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