[OS X TeX] TeX on iPad

Enrico Franconi franconi at inf.unibz.it
Sat Dec 7 11:46:36 EST 2013

On 07 Dec 2013, at 11:55, Victor Ivrii <vivrii at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Enrico Franconi <franconi at inf.unibz.it> wrote:
> I also would agree on keeping the TeX-iOS on this list. After all, iOS shares the same core OS with OSX, and iOS tends to share similar UI experiences as OSX.
> cheers
> —e.
> Really? Then please advise me how can I install MacTeX on iPad, how can I ran latex (rather than pdflatex available on TeXPad for iOS) or pdfcrop.
> Despite coming from the same company and having similar user interfaces iOS and OS X are no more similar than Swiss Army Backpack and Swiss Army Knife.
> One of the strange part of iOS is that basically all s/w comes from AppleStore and as far iOS is concerned not all AppleStores are equal: f.e. Canadian does not carry certain even freeware available in US.

Not really. iOS and OSX are built on the same underlying technologies: they share the same OS X kernel and the iOS’s Cocoa Touch framework is derived from the Mac’s Cocoa framework. You can compile (possibly illegally) many standard OSX packages (e.g., command line code), and install them in a jailbroken iPhone. Or you can develop cross-platform apps by sharing the core code base. Not that it makes much sense, but the connection between iOS and OSX is definitely stronger than your claim :-)
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