[OS X TeX] math replace

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Jun 27 13:25:08 EDT 2013

Am 27.06.2013 um 18:49 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> For the many folks who have NEVER used emacs and never will even know what the Meta key is M-x can be a mystery and something to be taken literally. 

Which should not be a problem! (Different to the DOS report "Keyboard not found, press [the] any key to continue". Why should I press a key when the keyboard is not available, and if it were, which one is any key?) Because, in last millennium, keyboards with Meta keys were built and sold.




Clovis' Consideration of an Atmospheric Anomaly:
        The perversity of nature is nowhere better demonstrated than by the fact that, when exposed to the same atmosphere, bread becomes hard while crackers become soft

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