[OS X TeX] Is it possible to use Arial fonts in plain TeX using TeXShop?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Oct 28 05:57:48 EDT 2013

Am 28.10.2013 um 04:22 schrieb Mark London:

> Hi - Is it possible to use Arial fonts in plain TeX (not LaTeX) using TeXShop?

Possibly… (*I* would shy away from the effort to make such an ugly font available in plain TeX.)

First you need the font files. You might need to convert them into a format that TeX understands, can handle.

Second you would need to create TFM files from the fonts.

Third you would need to write a possible extension for TeX that would allow it use Arial font files in PostScript, TrueType, or OpenType format.

Fourth you would need to change the plain TeX format file that Arial is used as text font instead of Computer Modern.

Or do you want to use a different font, Arial, in TeXShop only to *display* the plain TeX source code?



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