[OS X TeX] problem with MacTeX 2014 and media9 example.
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Jul 9 13:54:10 EDT 2014
On Jul 9, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Donald Petcher <petcher at covenant.edu> wrote:
> Yesterday with some help from this list I got the simple file below working to play mp4 movies using media9. Then I installed MacTeX 2014 on two machines. The file still compiles fine on one, but now on the other I get the following error:
> You can’t use ‘\dimexpr’ in horizontal mode.
> Both machines still compile fine using MacTeX 2013. I could not find any info on the web about this error other than some MikTeX users (PC of course) whose advice was to reinstall. (I have reinstalled MacTeX 2014 but no change.) Any idea what the problem is? Same file, two platforms, two different outcomes. I suspect a legacy problem but I have no idea what it might be.
> The file:
> \documentclass{beamer}
> \usepackage{media9}
> \newcommand{\playmovie}[1]{\begin{figure}[ht]
> \includemedia[activate=pageopen,deactivate=pageclose,width=10cm, height=7.5cm,addresource=#1,
> flashvars={src=#1 &loop=false &autoPlay=true} ]{}{StrobeMediaPlayback.swf}
> \end{figure} }
> \begin{document}
> \begin{frame}
> \playmovie{MyMovie.mp4}
> \end{frame}
> \end{document}
> —Don Petcher
> petcher at covenant dot edu
Did you update the TeX Live distribution after installation using TeX Live Utility? I'm having no problem (well, I used an .mp4 on my system) compiling and playing (in Adobe Reader) the video. I placed \listfiles before the \documentclass command and got
beamer.cls 2013/12/02 3.33 A class for typesetting presentations (rcs-revi
sion 332bfd3ce558)
beamerbasercs.sty 2013/12/25 (rcs-revision 31cc758a62ae)
beamerbasemodes.sty 2013/09/03 (rcs-revision 768f2d98ca64)
beamerbasedecode.sty 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
ifpdf.sty 2011/01/30 v2.3 Provides the ifpdf switch (HO)
beamerbaseoptions.sty 2013/03/10 (rcs-revision 47431932db0d)
keyval.sty 2014/05/08 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
geometry.sty 2010/09/12 v5.6 Page Geometry
ifvtex.sty 2010/03/01 v1.5 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
ifxetex.sty 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
size11.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
pgfcore.sty 2010/04/11 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.7)
graphicx.sty 2014/04/25 v1.0g Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
graphics.sty 2009/02/05 v1.0o Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
trig.sty 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC)
graphics.cfg 2010/04/23 v1.9 graphics configuration of TeX Live
pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX
infwarerr.sty 2010/04/08 v1.3 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
ltxcmds.sty 2011/11/09 v1.22 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
pgfsys.sty 2013/11/30 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.47)
pgfrcs.sty 2013/12/20 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.28)
everyshi.sty 2001/05/15 v3.00 EveryShipout Package (MS)
pgfsyssoftpath.code.tex 2013/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.9)
pgfsysprotocol.code.tex 2006/10/16 (rcs-revision 1.4)
xcolor.sty 2007/01/21 v2.11 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
color.cfg 2007/01/18 v1.5 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
xxcolor.sty 2003/10/24 ver 0.1
atbegshi.sty 2011/10/05 v1.16 At begin shipout hook (HO)
hyperref.sty 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hypertext links for LaTeX
hobsub-hyperref.sty 2012/05/28 v1.13 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
hobsub-generic.sty 2012/05/28 v1.13 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
hobsub.sty 2012/05/28 v1.13 Construct package bundles (HO)
ifluatex.sty 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
intcalc.sty 2007/09/27 v1.1 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
etexcmds.sty 2011/02/16 v1.5 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
kvsetkeys.sty 2012/04/25 v1.16 Key value parser (HO)
kvdefinekeys.sty 2011/04/07 v1.3 Define keys (HO)
pdftexcmds.sty 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
pdfescape.sty 2011/11/25 v1.13 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
bigintcalc.sty 2012/04/08 v1.3 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO)
bitset.sty 2011/01/30 v1.1 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
uniquecounter.sty 2011/01/30 v1.2 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
letltxmacro.sty 2010/09/02 v1.4 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
hopatch.sty 2012/05/28 v1.2 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
xcolor-patch.sty 2011/01/30 xcolor patch
atveryend.sty 2011/06/30 v1.8 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
refcount.sty 2011/10/16 v3.4 Data extraction from label references (HO)
hycolor.sty 2011/01/30 v1.7 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
auxhook.sty 2011/03/04 v1.3 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
kvoptions.sty 2011/06/30 v3.11 Key value format for package options (HO)
pd1enc.def 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
url.sty 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
hpdftex.def 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hyperref driver for pdfTeX
rerunfilecheck.sty 2011/04/15 v1.7 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
beamerbaserequires.sty 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
beamerbasecompatibility.sty 2012/05/01 (rcs-revision 67c48b3b652d)
beamerbasefont.sty 2013/10/18 (rcs-revision 72f39e01808a)
amssymb.sty 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS font symbols
amsfonts.sty 2013/01/14 v3.01 Basic AMSFonts support
sansmathaccent.sty 2013/03/28
filehook.sty 2011/10/12 v0.5d Hooks for input files
beamerbasetranslator.sty 2010/06/11 (rcs-revision 85fd1cc7fc42)
translator.sty 2010/06/12 ver 1.10
beamerbasemisc.sty 2013/09/03 (rcs-revision a55719c41d85)
beamerbasetwoscreens.sty 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
beamerbaseoverlay.sty 2013/12/25 (rcs-revision f6bd5e3805da)
beamerbasetitle.sty 2010/09/21 (rcs-revision f0446ed0b6ae)
beamerbasesection.sty 2013/06/07 (rcs-revision 60b9fe0f342f)
beamerbaseframe.sty 2013/10/02 (rcs-revision cdc8e9a3aaac)
beamerbaseverbatim.sty 2012/08/30 (rcs-revision dfdb135076b3)
beamerbaseframesize.sty 2011/09/12 (rcs-revision 70f9d8411e54)
beamerbaseframecomponents.sty 2013/10/18 (rcs-revision 5cf6c5555a45)
beamerbasecolor.sty 2010/06/06 (rcs-revision d1a9b48be06d)
beamerbasenotes.sty 2012/12/19 (rcs-revision 1686da3db3c9)
beamerbasetoc.sty 2013/05/23 (rcs-revision 0fdf5bc43be8)
beamerbasetemplates.sty 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
beamerbaseauxtemplates.sty 2013/09/04 (rcs-revision 4ac715c499d0)
beamerbaseboxes.sty 2012/05/13 (rcs-revision 56972908a390)
beamerbaselocalstructure.sty 2013/09/04 (rcs-revision 4ac715c499d0)
enumerate.sty 1999/03/05 v3.00 enumerate extensions (DPC)
beamerbasenavigation.sty 2013/10/05 (rcs-revision 62be157fe783)
beamerbasetheorems.sty 2010/06/06 (rcs-revision 7e7cc5e53e9d)
amsmath.sty 2013/01/14 v2.14 AMS math features
amstext.sty 2000/06/29 v2.01
amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0
amsbsy.sty 1999/11/29 v1.2d
amsopn.sty 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
amsthm.sty 2004/08/06 v2.20
beamerbasethemes.sty 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
beamerthemedefault.sty 2010/06/17 (rcs-revision d02a7cf4d8ae)
beamerfontthemedefault.sty 2012/12/19 (rcs-revision 1686da3db3c9)
beamercolorthemedefault.sty 2012/12/19 (rcs-revision 1686da3db3c9)
beamerinnerthemedefault.sty 2013/10/15 (rcs-revision 65cb471f9634)
beamerouterthemedefault.sty 2012/12/19 (rcs-revision 1686da3db3c9)
media9.sty 2014/06/25 v0.45 acrobat-9/X compatible media
expl3.sty 2014/06/10 v5105 L3 programming layer (loader)
expl3-code.tex 2014/06/10 v5105 L3 programming layer
etex.sty 1998/03/26 v2.0 eTeX basic definition package (PEB)
l3pdfmode.def 2014/05/06 v4748 L3 Experimental driver: PDF mode
l3regex.sty 2014/06/06 v5067 L3 Experimental regular expressions
l3tl-build.sty 2014/05/06 v4745 L3 Experimental token list construction
l3tl-analysis.sty 2014/05/06 v4745 L3 Experimental token lists analysis
l3str.sty 2014/05/26 v4889 L3 Experimental strings
l3flag.sty 2014/05/06 v4745 L3 Experimental flags
l3str-convert.sty 2014/06/03 v5028 L3 Experimental string encoding conversio
l3keys2e.sty 2014/06/10 v5105 LaTeX2e option processing using LaTeX3 keys
xparse.sty 2014/06/10 v5105 L3 Experimental document command parser
atenddvi.sty 2007/04/17 v1.1 At end DVI hook (HO)
zref-abspage.sty 2012/04/04 v2.24 Module abspage for zref (HO)
zref-base.sty 2012/04/04 v2.24 Module base for zref (HO)
zref-lastpage.sty 2012/04/04 v2.24 Module lastpage for zref (HO)
tikz.sty 2013/12/13 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.142)
pgf.sty 2013/12/18 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.14)
pgfcomp-version-0-65.sty 2007/07/03 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.7)
pgfcomp-version-1-18.sty 2007/07/23 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.1)
pgffor.sty 2013/12/13 v3.0.0 (rcs-revision 1.25)
epstopdf-base.sty 2010/02/09 v2.5 Base part for package epstopdf
grfext.sty 2010/08/19 v1.1 Manage graphics extensions (HO)
epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Live
nameref.sty 2012/10/27 v2.43 Cross-referencing by name of section
gettitlestring.sty 2010/12/03 v1.4 Cleanup title references (HO)
Compare your system.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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