[OS X TeX] Change in beamer ?

Josep Maria Font jmfont at ub.edu
Wed Jun 4 18:15:09 EDT 2014

On 04/06/2014, at 18:46, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:

> On Jun 4, 2014, at 11:20 AM, Josep Maria Font <jmfont at ub.edu> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have just updated my TeX Live collection, and then when processing a beamer presentation, typesetting stops with the message
>>> No room for a new \dimen
>> This happens three times in my file: In the middle of reading one xy extension file, and twice in the middle of reading a ConteXt support file.
>> Hitting "s", or "return" thrice, typesetting finishes and delivers as expected.
>> I guess it has something to do with xy, because other presentations not using it typeset normally without stopping (and they load the same ConteXt support file).
>> With beamer version 3.32 this did not happen. Now I have 3.33 and this happens. xy version has not changed. I am running latest versions of TeXShop and TeX, and this happens in two 27" iMacs and one MacBook Air.
>> It is only annoying and distracting, not fatal; but anyway I would appreciate any solution.
>> Best,
>> JMaF
> When you say you ``just updated my TeX Live collection'' are you talking about updating TeX Live 2013 by manually installing an updated version of beamer or are you using TeX Live 2014 pretest and simply updated with TeX Live Utility (tlmgr) to the current version? Doing the former is always a touchy thing because other, interdependent updates may have to be made at the same time (no, I don't know what they might be). With my up to date TeX Live 2014 pretest using its supplied beamer 3.33 I have no problems typesetting a beamer document. You mention xy but that might, in turn, depend upon other things so...

Sorry, I should have said "I updated my TexLive 2013 installation" (which not totally up to date...) with TexLive Utility. The problem clearly arises with xy; typesetting a beamer file without xy raises no problem. The surprise was that just with beamer 3.32 it did not happen.

As to Victor Ivrii's suggestion

> \usepackage{etex}

yes, this solves the problem, and further puzzles me, because, like Herb, I thought the present versions of TeX were actually etex... but now I recall a similar memory problem (not with beamer) a colleague had when editing a book, and which was solved also by loading etex...

Any ideas on this last issue ?



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