[OS X TeX] Unpacking macros

Themis Matsoukas tmatsoukas at icloud.com
Tue Mar 25 08:21:08 EDT 2014

On Mar 25, 2014, at 8:05 AM, Axel Kielhorn <tex at axelkielhorn.de> wrote:

> Am 25.03.2014 um 11:13 schrieb Nitecki, Zbigniew H.:
>> I have a simple question, but will outline the context because I may be asking the wrong question.
>> I have a paper provisionally accepted by a prominent journal, which has been creating massive headaches at the technical, production end.  The paper is written in latex, using the amsart document class;  it is nine pages long.  I tend to use a lot of macros
> To find all the macros you *use* try the following:
> Make a copy of the file.
> Delete all comments.
> Replace every space with a carriage return.
> Remove the space at the beginning of the line.
> Delete all lines *not* starting with \.
> sort -u the file.

I do something much simpler: Since I normally read my macros from a file, I do a typeset by removing that file from the source. On compilation, latex stops at each undefined macro, telling me exactly which macro it is. I then go and expand the macros manually, or copy/paste their definitions in the source until I can compile without error. I’s say a 10 min job for 9 pages of text. 


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