[OS X TeX] 2 small issues concerning texshop

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Thu May 1 11:18:56 EDT 2014


Aha. Perhaps after all I understand what you are doing. Let's see.

You open TeXShop, and the two windows open, but the Preview window
opens in the wrong spot. I can confirm this. It will be easy to fix, and a fix
should be in the next TeXShop. But that may not be for a while.

Then you close the Preview window. (I don't understand why you don't
just move it, but let that be.)

Then you use forward search, hoping that the search will open the preview
window automatically. Instead it opens a blank window. You then typeset, and the
blank window is filled with the correct material. I can confirm this behavior.

The behavior doesn't surprise me, since I never imagined that someone would
want to search from source to a preview window not yet open. I'll put this on the
"to be fixed" list, but it has very low priority. 

Why don't you just move the preview window to the correct spot and search?
Why close it?

Dick Koch

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