[OS X TeX] Silent Updates and TeXShop 3.36.1

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Wed May 21 14:14:35 EDT 2014


Sometimes I discover a bug in TeXShop an hour after a new release. In the past I’ve responded
by fixing the bug “silently” without changing the version number, in hopes that most downloads
will contain the fixed version.

From now on, I’ll create a new version number of TeXShop with an added digit. For example,
version 3.35.1 would be a corrected version of version 3.35. The Sparkle update mechanism will notice
this change and report that a new version is available.

When I make a minor change of this sort, I won’t update any “change documents” and won't
update “About This Release.” The only spot in the TeXShop web pages to indicate a minor release will
be the initial page http://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop/texshop.html, which will show the full version
number of the latest release.

As a test of all this, I just released TeXShop 3.36.1. This version deserves to be called 3.37 since it fixes
a real bug, but then we’d have no test of the new mechanism.

Here’s the bug: Several users pointed out that in recent versions of TeXShop, the command-1 shortcut
to switch between the Preview and Source windows works initially and then eventually stops working.
I was never able to reproduce this bug until Santiago Ontanon discovered that the bug is triggered
by closing, and then reopening, the Preview Window. Thanks, Santiago!

Dick Koch

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