[OS X TeX] Intrinsic tensors

Michael Sharpe msharpe at ucsd.edu
Thu May 29 18:48:19 EDT 2014

On May 29, 2014, at 10:45 AM, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like a symbol to represent n-dimensional objects, in fact tensor fields of order n, something like<G^n.pdf>.
> I have looked around to no avail; worse comes to worst, I can always use the above pdf but I am curious.
> Faintly hopeful regards
> --schremmer

It wasn't clear to me which part of this symbol is the issue, but here's a way to generate some approximation to your symbol using standard packages rather than Apple Chancery and Helvetica-Neue.

\usepackage{newtxtext} % loads helvetica as sans


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