[OS X TeX] Intrinsic tensors

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Fri May 30 16:55:06 EDT 2014

Hi Alain.

There was no attachment.
What should it have been? A scanned image?


    I'd agree with Claus about not inventing notations, as I have said in previous threads, but reproduction of historical documents is certainly a situation where this rule can be broken, as then you are not creating a precedent for continuing use of that notation.

On 31/05/2014, at 6:21, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at gmail.com> wrote:

> You are of course quite right but there was a story behind that: Many, many years ago, I had written a piece to introduce the conservations laws of fluid mechanics in a way I thought would be  "more elegant". The other day, I looked for it to give to one of my grandsons who is trying to get into nano-technology without really knowing the first word about, say, Navier-Stokes.
> Looking at it after all this time, I thought the stuff was not bad so I thought to see how it might go in LaTeX. I have attached the (only) page I did to give you an idea of the way I had gone about it. I still think it has merits. Maybe I will keep LaTexing it. In any case, I wanted to keep the "flavor".
> Best regards as always
> --s

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