[OS X TeX] Still no short table of contents
libros2 at limay.de
Sun Sep 27 03:17:10 EDT 2015
Am 27/9/15 um 9:15 schrieb Manuel:
> Am 27/9/15 um 8:20 schrieb Doris Behrendt:
>> using koma script would solve your problems, but you would have to
>> dive into the doc that could take some time
>> d
>>> On 27 Sep 2015, at 00:24, Manuel <libros2 at limay.de> wrote:
>>> Am 27/9/15 um 0:09 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
>>>>> On Sep 26, 2015, at 4:19 PM, Manuel <libros2 at limay.de> wrote:
>>>>> \shorttoc{Zusammenfassung}{chapter}
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> Try
>>>> \shorttoc{Zusammenfassung}{1}
>>>> or, maybe, use 0 depending upon the document class rather than a
>>>> text name. That argument sets the \tocdepth counter for the short toc.
>>>> Good Luck,
>>>> Herb Schulz
>>>> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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>>> Changing the vaue to 1 has no effect. The example file works, so I
>>> tried again changing from memoir to book but the result is the same
>>> as before.
>>> Manuel
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> I have, indeed, used the values 1 and 0, as well as placing the
> \shorttoc command before \tableofcontents.
> The short TOC is indeed generated but has the same level of depth, the
> same content, as the log
I meant the long, not the log.
> TOC. That is the problem.
> I have no idea of what is koma script but in general I am not able to
> deal with deeper delvings in the depths of documents.
> Greetings,
> Manuel
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