[OS X TeX] Very weird page breaking problem

Stephen Sangwine sjs at essex.ac.uk
Sat Apr 2 06:59:54 EDT 2016

Are you using \includeonly? If you don't, a cross reference in Chapter 3 may be set differently when you typeset in isolation.
Secondly, does the bad break occur when you typeset the whole book? This is where it matters. When you process an entire book or thesis the final piece of work is to tune the breaks throughout.
Sent from Samsung tablet.-------- Original message --------From: Josep Maria Font <jmfont at ub.edu> Date: 02/04/2016  00:41  (GMT+00:00) To: MacOSX TeX list <MacOSX-TeX at email.esm.psu.edu> Subject: [OS X TeX] Very weird page breaking problem 
I am preparing a book for publication, checking bad page breaks and the like, and I have found a behaviour I cannot understand.

The book is composed of several chapters, \included as usual. I use the "memoir" class. Each chapter starts on a fresh odd (recto) page. Very oddly, I get *different page breaks* if I typeset Chapter 3 alone and if I typeset the whole book! Specifically, the change occurs always on the same page, in the middle of Chapter 3: in the second case (whole book) this page consistently admits three lines less than when only Chapter 3 is typeset; then, as is to be expected, the difference is irregularly propagated through the end of the chapter. The rest of the chapters seem to show no changes.

After some experimenting, I see I get the same behaviour if I typeset Chapter 3 together with either Chapters 1 or 2 (or both). By contrast, if I typeset Chapter 0 plus Chapter 3, then the breaks are as expected (I did the fine-tunning of each chapter separately). One difference I observe is that Chapters 1 and 2 end on an even (verso) page while Chapter 0 ends on an odd (recto) page. If I typeset starting with Chapter 3 together with all subsequent chapters, everything is normal.

I cannot imagine why this is happening, and how can I resolve it (of course, I can typeset Chapters separately and them merge the PDFs...). If someone has ever encountered a similar problem and can give some light, I will be very grateful.



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