[OS X TeX] Textures LaTeX -> teTeX/TeXShop/iTeX LaTeX

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 13:48:42 EDT 2016

On , at 2004 Nov 18,5:25 PM, Ludger Hentschel wrote:

>> I would again like to use \include and
>> \includeonly when doing individual chapters of the book.

IMO, there is a much better way than \includeonly because, rather than having to (un)commenting code, you just have to click on the desired file (or files as when you want to compare/move/align stuff in different chapters). In other words, more Mac than LaTeX. Moreover, the structure can include the ancillaries. See <http://tug.org/pracjourn/2010-2/schremmer.html>.  

Following is the folder-file structure---which depends a lot on \jobname for its ease of use. For an instance: <http://freemathtexts.org/InProgress/RAFv7.1/>

> MyBook		This folder contains the five following FOLDERS:
> 	• FIGURES 			For the pdfs used in the \includegraphics
> 		1 		(Folder for the pdfs for Chapter 1)
> 		2 		(Folder for the pdfs for Chapter 2)	
> 		. . .	
> 		n 		(Folder for the pdfs for Chapter n)
> 		101 	(Folder for the pdfs for Appendix 1)
> 	• GRAPHICS 		For the editable source from which the pdfs were made.
> 		1 		(Folder for the source of the pdfs for Chapter 1)
> 		2	 	(Folder for the source of the pdfs for Chapter 2)	
> 		. . .	
> 		n 		(Folder for the source of the pdfs for Chapter n)
> 		101 	(Folder for the source of the pdfs for Appendix 1)
> 	• STYLESHEETS	  Folder containing only the following two files:
> 		GraphicsPaths.sty    This file contains only the following command:
> 				\graphicspath%
> 					{%
> 						{../Figures/1/}
> 						{../Figures/2/}
> 							. . .
> 						{../Figures/n/}
> 						{../Figures/101/}
> 					}%
> 		Preamble.sty    This file contains the various  \usepackage and the definition of the various \definecolor, \newcounter, \newcommand, etc.
> 	• TEXT-CONTENTS	Folder for the TEXT      
> 				Each of the following files contains the following code followed by YOUR TEXT of the chapter.
> 						%!TEX root = ../Text-controls/\jobname.tex
> 						%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk  
> 						\chapter{Name}
> 						\ChapterToc
> 					1.tex (TEXTof Chapter 1)
> 					2.tex (TEXTof Chapter 2)	
> 					. . .	
> 					n.tex (TEXTof Chapter n)	
> 					101.tex (TEXTof Appendix 1)	
> 				The following file is the content file for the whole book and contains ONLY the following code:
> 						%!TEX root = ../Text-controls/\jobname.tex
> 						%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk  
> 						\mainmatter
> 						\include{../Text-contents/1}	
> 						\include{../Text-contents/2}	
> 						. . .	
> 						\include{../Text-contents/n}	
> 					BOOK.tex
> 	• TEXT-CONTROLS folder    
> 				Each of the following files contains ONLY the following code:
> 						% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
> 						\documentclass[11pt]{book}	
> 						\usepackage{../StyleSheets/Preamble}
> 						\usepackage{../StyleSheets/GraphicsPaths}
> 						\begin{document}	
> 						\addtocounter{page}{n}	(where n+1 will be the number of the first page of the chapter.)
> 						\addtocounter{chapter}{\jobname-1}	
> 						\include{../Text-contents/\jobname}	
> 						\printindex
> 						\end{document}
> 					1.tex  (Control of Chapter 1)
> 					2.tex  (Control of Chapter 2)	
> 					. . .	
> 					n.tex  (Control of Chapter n)
> 					101.tex  (Control of Appendix 1)
> 				The following file is the control file for the whole book and contains ONLY the following code:
> 							% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
> 							\documentclass[11pt]{book}
> 							\usepackage{../StyleSheets/Preamble}
> 							\usepackage{../StyleSheets/GraphicsPaths}
> 							\begin{document}
> 							\frontmatter
> 							\thispagestyle{empty}
> 							\hspace{-12mm}{\Large \textsc{Name of the Book}}
> 							\cleartooddpage[\thispagestyle{empty}]
> 							etc, etc
> 							\tableofcontents
> 							\input{../Text-contents/BOOK}
> 							\appendix
> 							\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}
> 								\include{../Text-contents/101}
> 							\backmatter
> 							\phantomsection
> 							\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}	
> 							\printindex
> 							\end{document}
> 					BOOK.tex	is the control file for the whole book and contains ONLY the following code:

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