[OS X TeX] macOS 10.5 & 10.6 support

Nestor Aguilera nestoreaguilera at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 17:01:42 EDT 2016

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com>

> Folks,
> The MacTeX Working Group (MWG) proposes dropping support for macOS 10.5
> (Leopard) and macOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) in 2017. Thus that release would
> require a 64 bit Intel computer running macOS 10.7 (Lion) or higher. Note
> that with the upcoming Sierra release, we will still be supporting the last
> six versions of macOS.
> We need to know how this change would effect the community at large.
> Therefore we ask for input from members of this list. If you object, it
> would be best to reply sooner rather than later.
> If we take this step, a final version of MacTeX-2016 will be released in
> May, 2017, containing all updates before the server is shut down. All
> versions of MacTeX from past years are archived at the site below. Access
> this site as "Guest."
>         ftp://ftp.tug.org/historic/systems/mactex
> It is becoming more and more difficult to support Leopard and Snow Leopard
> as time goes on. The systems used to compile the PPC and 32bit binaries are
> getting rather old and can fail at any time. The new policy would only
> require one set of binaries, reducing Dick Koch's work load considerably.
> In addition there would no longer be the necessity of creating the PPC &
> 32bit versions of Ghostscript (that's four versions since each has a X11
> and a no-X11 version).
> As far as the MacTeX installer is concerned, besides the smaller set of
> binaries, it would no longer need to carry some old versions of GUI
> software specifically for 10.5 and 10.6 (e.g., TeXShop 2.47).
> MacTeXtras now carries quite a few multiple versions of software which
> could also be paired down considerably (e.g., TeXmaker, BibDesk, Skim,
> Aquamacs).
> Please reply to the list, or directly to me.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz (for the MWG)
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

​Question: "El Capitan" capable implies 64 bits? (I have an old machine
running "El ​Capitan" but I am not sure that the processor is 64 bit).

Many thanks for all the work you do for us.

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