[OS X TeX] TeXShop question

Nicolae Garleanu garleanu at berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 9 17:33:37 EST 2016

Got it, thanks!


> On Feb 8, 2016, at 5:58 PM, Richard Koch <koch at uoregon.edu> wrote:
> Nicolae,
>> On Feb 8, 2016, at 5:27 PM, Nicolae Garleanu <garleanu at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Related, though strictly speaking maybe requiring a new thread: what is the purpose of the appendage “ — Edited” to a file name in the source file, which only seems to go away if one actively saves the file (e.g., Cmd-S)? That is, what’s the point if the file is saved anyway, automatically? Is it perhaps saved in a hidden, temp file? My impression (which I did not verify rigorously, but I don’t save explicitly often) is that even if I don’t save automatically, on a different computer (I use dropbox) I open the latest version. If so, what does “edited” alert me to? Am I perhaps missing something?
>> Thank you.
>> Nicolae
> Thanks for raising this question. When I replied to Justin Walker, my brain told
> me that there was a missing detail, but I couldn’t remember what it was.
> Automatic saving works something like this (my details may be wrong, but
> the idea is correct): every few minutes, the Mac saves, but it only saves changes,
> not the entire file. These changes don’t go to the main file, but instead another
> place on the disk. 
> The Mac updates the actually main file whenever it could conceivably be
> important. For instance, if you duplicate that file, you’ll get the current state of
> the file. There are LOTS of other “for instances”.
> Users also have the ability to “Save”. This is more significant than
> the random automatic saves of Cocoa because it creates 
> what Cocoa calls a “version.” 
> These versions are what show up in the time line when you call up Time
> Machine or the equivalent. Other saves are eventually merged together 
> to create additional versions.
> Because of this design, if you use Time Machine to go back, you don’t see
> absolutely every change. You see the significant changes (which are further
> pruned weekly and monthly).
> When TeXShop for Lion was first released, it SAVED VERSIONS just before
> typesetting. This meant that users who typeset after every other sentence had
> hundreds of files to plow through just to see the daily activity. Luckily, a user
> wrote me explaining how to save WITHOUT creating a version. So now,
> Time Machine will show selected changes throughout the day, but not
> annoyingly many.
> OK. The answer to your question is that “—Edited” means that the
> document has changed since the last Version was created. So more recent
> changes are on disk, but might conceivably be pruned away soon. If you
> do something you really, really don’t want to lose, issue a “SAVE” menu
> command to create a version, and then “—Edited” goes away.
> Incidentally, I never do this and just let the Mac prune and otherwise do
> its thing, and the system seems to work fine. A few times, I did something
> stupid and really lost text, and each time that happened, Time Machine
> found the missing text.
> Dick
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