[OS X TeX] TeXShop: how retain Color Index in source (or set it permanently)?

Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 15:29:03 EDT 2016

> On6 Sep 2016 11:00:02 -0500,Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com <mailto:herbs at wideopenwest.com>> wrote:
>> On Sep 6, 2016, at 10:33 AM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com <mailto:murrayeisenberg at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> The source window for a TeXShop document has a checkbox ?ColorIndex? which, if checked, colors indexing commands.
>> But even if the document is saved after checking the box, the next time it?s opened, the box is unchecked and the index entries are no longer colored.
>> (1) Is there a way to get TeXShop to remember the setting for a file where the box has been checked and then the file saved?
>> (2) Even better yet, is there a way to set a global preference always to color index entries in source?
> Howdy,
> Doesn't seem to stick between sessions and also is set only for an individual source window at a time. I guess that hasn't been important to me.
> By the way, I find that yellow very annoying since I can't read the information even if I want too. I prefer a light gray so my eye usually skims over the information but it's still readable if necessary. Take a look at sub-sub-section 2.1.6 [ofTeXShopTips-0.7.5.pd <https://herbs.github.io/Files/TeXShopTips-0.7.5.pdf.zip>] for an example of the syntax coloring I use. If you like it you can download it from my new site, <https://herbs.github.io <https://herbs.github.io/>>. The site mentioned in that document will go away on October 3, 2016.

When the ColorIndex box on a source document is checked, the color I get on \index expressions is pink (perhaps a magenta). Not sure where that came from!

In any case, for a book-length project consisting of some 40 mainmatter source files, being able to find \index items quickly by means of coloring is invaluable. Having to turn ColorIndex back on each time I open a file gets to be a real annoyance! 

Murray Eisenberg			murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
503 King Farm Blvd #101	Home (240)-246-7240
Rockville, MD 20850-6667	Mobile (413)-427-5334

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