[OS X TeX] Sierra and PDFKit

Luis Sequeira lfsequeira at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 15:53:35 EDT 2016


Thank you again for all the amazing work you've done all these years!

It does seem that things are working pretty well in Sierra, and I am very pleased.

I did encounter an issue, but one that is not a bug in TeXShop.

I do a lot of beamer or powerdot presentations for my classes (powerdot old-timer, now starting to move to beamer, a story for another occasion).

There is a noticeable shaking while moving between pages in presentation mode. 
This shaking is visible in Skim and Preview, as well as in TeXShop's "Full Screen (Old Method)", so it is appears to be a PDFKit thing.

On those slides that are built of multiple overlays this is quite noticeable and annoying. This used to be perfectly smoothly in El Capitan.
Here is hoping there is a fix very soon.

Luis Sequeira

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