[OS X TeX] Encoding question

R Martinez rm.tech at mac.com
Fri Jul 6 13:29:03 EDT 2018


I want to change the font encoding of a file I’m working on from Latin9 to UTF-8 so my work is concordant with the latest encoding recommendations from Dick Koch and Herb Schulz.

I am using TeXShop 4.01 and MacTeX2018.

So I created a new copy of my old file and changed the encoding as shown below. Then I closed the new file, selected UTF-8 as the encoding in TeXShop's Preferences, reopened the file then typeset it. The typesetting was correct. So far so good. But based on my perusal of other emails on this list, I have an uneasy feeling that the command sequence shown below may not be quite correct; that a different order may work better or that I am missing a command. Am I missing something?

I’ll appreciate comments and suggestions. 


Raul Martinez

% ----------Document class-------------------------------

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8

%\usepackage{amssymb}	%This is redundant when using STIX.

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