[OS X TeX] color theme from prefs

Nicolae Garleanu garleanu at berkeley.edu
Tue Nov 20 06:50:46 EST 2018


I just updates from 3.99 to 4.16. Based on a previous message from Herb — and Dick’s change notes — I created a theme from prefs, but in doing so the theme (the colors) did not change — as if the preferences had already been overwritten with the loaded theme. In particular, I got the LiteTheme, which had been loaded by default. Later I created a new theme (say, NT), and when I tried the experiment again, the theme that got created from prefs was identical to NT, which was loaded at the time.

Is this expected behavior? Did I do something wrong? Most important, can I recover my old color preferences? I am wondering whether the color settings in Preferences/TeXShop.plist were overwritten. Or, perhaps more likely, some local settings are such that TexShop looks at the “wrong” preferences?

Should that not be possible, I have the same color scheme on another computer, where I haven’t yet updated. Presumably, the plist file on that computer contains the right coloring scheme. Can I create a theme from that file? 

I would not want anyone (me included) to put much effort into this. Impatient as I was, I ended up tinkering manually with the theme until I got it close to what I used to have.


PS What does the opacity setting in the color choice do? E.g., I tried to have 0 for the background of the console window, and (i) didn’t notice anything, and (ii) the level got changed back to 100 when I clicked on another window (then came back to the console to check).

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