[OS X TeX] Remove extension from the "Delete aux files" list
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Sep 27 13:46:36 EDT 2018
> On Sep 27, 2018, at 12:21 PM, Sime Ungar <ungar at math.hr> wrote:
> Hello,
> every once in a while one has to trash the aux files because something got corrupted. And this is easily done in TeXShop from the File menu or Cmd+Ctrl+A. But this deletes everything except .tex and .pdf files. I would like to keep the .ind file as well. How do I remove it from the "Delete aux files" list?
> (I know that with 'defaults write TeXShop OtherTrashExtensions -array-add "foo"' I can _add_ the .foo extension to the list, but is there a "remove" variant?)
> Namely, I am writing a book in Croatian having an 18 page long Index. Since Makeindex is an ancient program not knowing anything about Unicode and in Croatian there are 8+8 graphemes (letters) which are not ASCII, the sorting of many index entries is wrong. So I have to tweak the .ind-file every time the aux files are trashed, which becomes quite tedious.
> Best,
> Sime
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Got to my download site, <https://herbs.github.io>, and grab DeleteAuxFilesMacros.plist.zip. Unzip that file. Then Open TeXShop and the Macro Editor (Macros->Open Macro Editor…), Click on Macros->Add macros from file…, drag the .plist file onto the dialog and and press Open. That will get two macros, one that deletes all ``aux'' files and one with a limited delete. If you edit the limited delete macro you'll see a list of extensions to delete. Remove anything you wish to save that's on that list. From then on you can use that macro.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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