[OS X TeX] Biber

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Oct 20 14:22:16 EDT 2020

On 20/10/2020 19:13, koch at math.uoregon.edu wrote:
> Folks,
> I looked briefly at the TeXShop code. TeXShop calls TeX using the NSTask class in Cocoa. Various items can be set before calling a task, and one is a dictionary called the "environment". This is setup by TeXShop by first calling
> 	 [[NSProessInfo processInfo] environment]
> This call gets the environment of the currently running task, and therefore the environment for TeXShop itself. One of the items in this environment dictionary is  ``PATH''. TeXShop modifies this environment for the task it is about to call by appending two items to the path:
> 	1) the path for TeX Live
> 	2) the path for ghostscript
> Both of these paths can be set in TeXShop Preferences, and by default they are
> 	1) /Library/TeX/texbin
> 	2) /usr/local/bin
> So tasks know about /Library/TeX/texbin, but NOT because shells know this value, and not because /etc/paths.d knows it, but instead because TeXShop set it directly.
> Dick Koch

Hello Dick,

Thanks for that: I did wonder if it was something done manually. Makes 
complete sense (the TextMate approach does seem very clever but as I'm 
not a 'proper' developer I've no real idea how it works!).

I guess I should lobby for 'manual path additions' for TeXworks - would 
be doable cross-platform and would likely work :)


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