[OS X TeX] [OFF-TOPIC] python

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Wed Oct 21 02:44:08 EDT 2020

On 16 Oct 2020, at 2:13, David Craig wrote:

> I’m guessing something like homebrew is going to be the way to avoid 
> that in the future, but I guess I’ll see what folks have to say.

This is out of scope for this list so I would suggest one of the many 
beginning Python mailing lists.

That said, I've never had any problems with the official Python releases 
- never used homebrew for Python. If you're experimenting with Python, 
installing various versions of libraries, etc then I suggest that you 
use virtual environments for that.

As for learning Python, I don't know if I can be of much help (my 
tutorials are locked up on the university learning platform) but when I 
started using Python I found "Learning Python" to be very useful. Today 
there are numerous online tutorials (the quality isn't always great!), 
but they are usually for complete beginners not targeted at those who 
have previous programming experience.

= jem

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